Popcorn day is this Friday!
5 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Our annual food drive starts Monday, November 27! The class that collects the most will earn a pizza party!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Just a reminder that tomorrow is popcorn day!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Our winter msuic program is only a few short weeks away!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Winter music
Popcorn will now be sold on Tuesday, November 21!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Mark your calendars! Our winter music program is coming up on December 12!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
winter music
Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Just a reminder that our Veteran's Day program is this Friday!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
vets day
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
time change
Don't forget your $1.00 for popcorn tomorrow!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
We invite everyone to our Veteran's Day program on Friday, November 10. Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
vets day
We are collecting clean milk jugs to promote recycling! Help us collect 1,000 milk jugs to earn a new bench!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
This Friday is Popcorn day!!
6 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Don't forget tomorrow is RED day!
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Wear RED on October 27th to show you make healthy choices!
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Picture re-takes will be Friday, October 27! Follow the link below to pre-order picture sets! https://inter-state.com/order
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Do you or your child need a winter coat?
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who made Trunk or Treat possible!!
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Trunk or Treat! We can't wait to see everyone!!
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber
Wear blue on Wednesday to stomp out bullying!
7 months ago, Cheryl Herber